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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

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Aps Dr. J.I.T Buertey

Aps Dr. J.I.T Buertey

Senior Postor

Aps Dr. J.I.T Buertey, a seasoned Pentecostal Senior Pastor, stands tall as a pillar of wisdom and inspiration within the vibrant Asokwa District of the PIWC. With a commanding presence, his charismatic preaching style weaves together profound biblical insights and captivating storytelling, leaving hearts ablaze with fervent faith. His words, like a gentle breeze, carry the power of the Holy Spirit, penetrating the depths of souls, stirring revival, and igniting a hunger for a deeper encounter with God. With unwavering devotion, he navigates the Scriptures with skillful precision, unveiling the mysteries of God’s Word and imparting divine truths to his congregation. Aps Dr. J.I.T Buertey’s infectious passion for prayer and intercession permeates his ministry, as he leads his flock into fervent communion with the Heavenly Father.