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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

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Children’s Ministry

Nurturing Young Hearts in Faith and Love

Welcome to our Children Ministry, a vibrant and nurturing community committed to the spiritual growth and development of children. Our ministry is dedicated to creating a safe and engaging environment where children can encounter God, build a foundation of faith, and experience the love of Jesus.

At Children Ministry, we believe that every child is a precious gift from God and has a unique purpose in His kingdom. We strive to provide age-appropriate and interactive programs that cater to the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of children at various stages of their lives.

Biblical Teaching and Curriculum:
We offer engaging and age-appropriate biblical teaching and curriculum that communicates the truths of the Bible in a way that children can understand and apply to their lives. Through interactive lessons, creative activities, and storytelling, we aim to instill a love for God’s Word and help children develop a solid foundation of faith.

Worship and Praise:
We encourage children to participate in vibrant worship and praise experiences designed specifically for them. Through uplifting songs, meaningful gestures, and age-appropriate worship activities, we foster an atmosphere where children can connect with God and express their love and adoration for Him.

Small Groups and Discipleship:
In our Children Ministry, we believe in the power of relationships and the importance of discipleship. We facilitate small groups where children can build connections with their peers and dedicated leaders who invest in their spiritual growth. Through intentional discipleship, we guide children in developing a personal relationship with Jesus and understanding how to apply biblical principles in their daily lives.

Fun and Engaging Activities:
We organize a variety of fun and engaging activities, including games, crafts, dramas, and special events, that help children connect with God and one another in a joyful and interactive way. These activities are designed to reinforce biblical truths, foster friendships, and create lasting memories.

Prayer and Intercession:
We teach children the importance of prayer and provide opportunities for them to engage in prayer and intercession. We encourage children to share their hearts with God, pray for one another, and experience the power of prayer in their lives.

Parent and Family Involvement:
We believe that parents and families play a vital role in the spiritual development of children. We strive to partner with parents by providing resources, workshops, and opportunities for parent-child engagement. Together, we create a strong support system that nurtures children’s faith and encourages family-centered spiritual growth.

Safety and Child Protection:
The safety and well-being of every child is of utmost importance to us. We have implemented stringent safety protocols and procedures to ensure a secure environment for all children under our care.

Join us at Children Ministry as we embark on an exciting journey of nurturing young hearts in faith and love. Together, let’s create a foundation of faith, plant seeds of love, and inspire children to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ who impact their families, schools, and communities for His glory.