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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

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Deaf Ministry

 Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Worship and Community

Welcome to our Deaf Ministry, a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates the unique gifts and talents of the Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Our ministry is dedicated to creating an environment where Deaf individuals can experience the love of God, grow in their faith, and fully participate in the life of the church.

At Deaf Ministry, we recognize the importance of communication accessibility and the need for a supportive community that understands and embraces Deaf culture. We strive to provide a welcoming space where Deaf individuals can worship, fellowship, and serve alongside their hearing brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sign Language Worship:
We believe in the power of worship expressed in sign language. Our worship services are designed to be accessible and engaging for the Deaf community, incorporating sign language interpretation, visual elements, and expressive worship. We celebrate the beauty of sign language as a means of praising God and expressing our devotion.

Biblical Teaching and Discipleship:
We offer biblically grounded teaching and discipleship opportunities tailored to the Deaf community. Our ministry provides Bible studies, classes, and small groups where Deaf individuals can explore the Word of God, grow in their understanding of Scripture, and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to empower Deaf believers to become strong disciples who can impact their families, communities, and beyond.

Community and Fellowship:
We believe in the power of community and fellowship. Our Deaf Ministry provides a supportive network where Deaf individuals can connect, build friendships, and share their experiences. We organize social events, gatherings, and retreats that foster a sense of belonging and encourage meaningful relationships among Deaf individuals and their families.

Interpreted Services and Events:
To ensure that Deaf individuals can fully participate in the broader church community, we provide sign language interpretation services for various church services, events, and programs. We work closely with interpreters to ensure effective communication and inclusivity in all aspects of church life.

Deaf Culture and Advocacy:
Our ministry values and celebrates Deaf culture, recognizing its rich history, language, and unique contributions. We strive to create awareness and understanding among the wider church community about the experiences and needs of Deaf individuals. We advocate for accessibility, inclusion, and equal opportunities for Deaf individuals to participate fully in all church activities.

Outreach and Mission:
Our Deaf Ministry is passionate about reaching out to the Deaf community both locally and globally. We engage in outreach programs, mission trips, and partnerships to share the love of Christ with the Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. We are committed to breaking down barriers and ensuring that Deaf individuals have access to the gospel and discipleship opportunities.

Join us at Deaf Ministry as we celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and embrace the richness of Deaf culture. Together, let’s worship, learn, and grow in faith as we build a strong and inclusive community where Deaf individuals can thrive and make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.