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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

[email protected]

Evangelism Ministry

Sharing the Good News with Passion and Purpose

Welcome to our Evangelism Ministry, a dynamic and passionate community dedicated to spreading the life-transforming message of the Gospel. Our ministry is rooted in the Great Commission given by Jesus Himself, to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). We are committed to equipping and empowering believers to actively engage in evangelism with passion and purpose.

At Evangelism Ministry, we believe that sharing the Good News is an essential calling for every follower of Christ. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can grow in their understanding of evangelism, develop practical skills, and gain confidence in their ability to share their faith effectively.

Training and Equipping:
Our ministry offers a variety of training programs, workshops, and resources designed to equip believers to engage in effective evangelism. From foundational teachings on the Gospel message to practical tips for initiating conversations, we provide the tools and knowledge needed to confidently and compassionately share the love of Christ.

Outreach Events and Initiatives:
We organize and participate in various outreach events and initiatives that aim to reach individuals in our local community and beyond. Whether it’s through street evangelism, community service projects, or partnering with other ministries, we actively seek opportunities to demonstrate God’s love in tangible ways and share the hope found in Jesus.

Prayer and Intercession:
Recognizing the importance of prayer in the work of evangelism, our ministry places a strong emphasis on seeking God’s guidance and empowerment through prayer and intercession. We believe that prayer paves the way for open hearts, divine appointments, and the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those we encounter.

Discipleship and Follow-up:
We understand that evangelism doesn’t end with a single conversation. As part of our ministry, we prioritize discipleship and follow-up with individuals who express interest in knowing more about Jesus. We provide resources, support, and mentorship to help new believers grow in their faith and integrate into a local church community.

Community and Fellowship:
Joining our Evangelism Ministry means becoming part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for sharing the Gospel. Through fellowship, encouragement, and accountability, we build strong relationships that spur us on in our evangelistic efforts and provide ongoing support and encouragement.

Our Evangelism Ministry is open to believers of all backgrounds and experiences. Whether you are new to evangelism or have been actively sharing your faith for years, there is a place for you to grow, learn, and be inspired to reach others with the message of salvation.

Together, let us embrace the call to be witnesses of Jesus Christ, sharing the hope, joy, and redemption found in Him. Let us boldly proclaim the Gospel, lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus, and make a lasting impact on the world around us.